Lleida.net agregador

Déjà vu: Lleida.net, the first Spanish aggregator

Today I had a déjà vu and I have returned to the origins… yes, Lleida.net is once again the first 100% Spanish aggregator. In 2003, Lleida.net acquired its first licence as a Spanish operator. Little by little we were doing interconnections with all the Spanish operators, it was an expensive and long task, because nobody …

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Welcome 2017

Yeah, it is probably too late for welcoming the new year, but as a very wise person said long time ago, better late than never. Raimon Pannikar, a philosopher, theologian, writer, son of a Hindu father and a Catalan mother, said that winter is a time to heal wounds, to recover the spirits, to strengthen …

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We are different

The words We are different… – echoed in my head from the last phone call. I was on my way to the station. I was thinking about the small steps of the last two weeks that leaded me here. From the language course I started, which I am not able to continue, to the window-shop-ad next …

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Dell EMC Forum

Dell EMC Forum 2016 Barcelona

Ten years ago Google bought YouTube. A milestone since in those years YouTube was the undisputed king of video over the Internet with around 100 million videos a day. The news did not go unnoticed; it came out in all the mass media. Just two years ago, Facebook acquired the WhatsApp messaging application with over …

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