How to use registered sms

When to use Registered SMS

The digital transformation of companies has transformed the way they communicate with their customers, suppliers, and workers. Moreover, recently, the use of digital communications has been developed and expanded. However, various digital communications have different legal values, while the eIDAS Regulation outlines the requirements for electronic communications to hold legal validity. This post will discuss the use of registered SMS communications and when to use them.

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correo electrónico certificado como prueba en un juicio

Registered email is valid as evidence

Many email communications with other companies, customers, suppliers and others are currently being made in companies. In some cases, the information being transmitted is essential, and it is interesting to know if the other party has received and read the mail. Registered email is used to be certain, but a question arises: Is Registered email valid as evidence in a trial? We clear off your doubts.

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