Cómo firmar digitalmente un contrato o documento paso a paso

How to digitally sign documents

The electronic signature has become an essential tool for many companies that want to boost their business having agile and efficient processes, although it is not always known how to digitally sign or its implications. In this post we tell you how a document is digitally signed step by step, what you must consider in an electronic signature process and what type of documents can be signed.

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qué aporta la firma electrónica al teletrabajo

How does the electronic signature contribute to teleworking?

The global health crisis derived from the COVID-19 pandemic has radically modified our working lives, and many workers switched to remote working. For some time now, employees of different global companies wanted to work from home. However, the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic demonstrated that home-based telework is possible without altering any existing business processes.

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What is an eSignature? 3/3

This is the third and last post on “What is an eSignature?”. In the previous posts (1/3 and 2/3) a comprehensive explanation has been made about the typologies and the legality of the electronic signature. At this point, we want to explain how Lleida.net makes Click & Sign tool, an online platform for contracting and …

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