The use of electronic signatures by companies has steadily increased. In fact, according to our data, if we compare December 2019 with December 2020, there has been an increase of over 600%. However, the question that arises is what we should consider when choosing an electronic signature provider. In this post, we give you all the details to make the best choice.
Going paperless; less paperwork, more efficiency
All companies face a significant challenge to work efficiently and without errors; however, paper is still used for many tasks. This post tells you the procedures with the electronic signature that can be done and how you can go towards a future with less paperwork to liven up day-to-day management.
Are electronic signatures valid in the European Union?
The digitisation of companies has accelerated, and digital tools streamline management and optimise company resources. One of those tools is the electronic signature. In this post, we talk about the legal validity of the electronic signature within the European Union framework and how it is governed.
What documents can be signed with electronic signature?
Digitisation is a process that is now in place in many companies whose managers have realised that they must change if they want to compete. But, if you are already digitising your processes, why do you still sign documents in person? The electronic signature of documents will save you time and money, but it can also help you be more expeditious at any management. In this post, we will tell you what type of documents can be signed electronically?
Digital transformation in real estate: signing leasing agreeements
Technology has changed our lives and the way we do business. The real estate sector is line with this swift and many companies in the sector already apply technological innovations to improve their life. In this post we want to talk about one of the aspects of the digital transformation of real estate agencies: signing lease agreements online