Sisco Sapena tocando la campana en el MAB is listed on the MAB

On 9 October at 12.00 we rang the opening bell to celebrate our public début on the Equity Alternative Market (MAB) simultaneously in Barcelona and Madrid. Sisco Sapena, founder and CEO rang the bell in the Palacio de la Bolsa in Madrid. At that very moment, 600 km away, Marc Gallardo lawyer and board member …

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We are one of the best seven innovative companies in Spain

Innovate is not easy task. To move a company forward is a difficult science. And to move it forward during 20 years requires lots of efforts. So receiving any acknowledgement definitely helps to maintain the enthusiasm required to be involved in any project. A few days ago, BBVA published an  article  mentioning seven small Spanish businesses which …

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GALP embarks digital transformation

Raúl Tapias Herranz, ‎Sales Manager B2C , Galp Energia España explains how the digitization of the sales processes helps to achieve total control of the sale process. Raul, what is your main job function in Galp Energia? Raúl Tapias (A) – I am in charge of Residential Market in Galp Energia Gas&Power Division Q –  What …

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