Entrepreneurship experience, crisis and new challenge
The 25th will be held on 12, 13 June goes under the title “25 years moving forward together, 25 years doing business”.
Trobada als Pirineus is one of the most important business meetings taking place in Catalonia (Spain). For the current year, the program will focus on three main issues: innovation, business internationalization processes and how to rebuild confidence on the economy.
The “Trobada al Pirineus” will be presented by Artur Mas, President Generalitat, the current Minister of Development Ana Pastor will speak on Thursday evening and Ramon Roca, President of La Associacio Trobada Empresarial al Pirineu will close the event.
The programme also includes the following speakers: Luis Rojas Marcos, José M ª Gay de Liébana, XavierSala-i-Martín, journalists Mònica Terribas and Martí Saballs, and Bruixa d’Or, Vichy Catalan, Hero and Bon Preu-Esclat Chief Executive Officers.
Sisco Sapena, Lleida.net CEO is sharing experiences in the round table with Lucas Carné, Privalia Co-Founder & CEO, Antonio Gasso, Gaes Centros Auditivos CEO, and Pedro Serrahima Managing Director at Pepephone. The topic to discuss being “Entrepreneurship is an attitude”. Sisco will explain how Lleida.net started and its evolution from the perspective of entrepreneurship and continuous innovation.
During the meeting the overall opinion on funding growth and employment and how the Catalan issue may impact on the business flow will be discussed.