What is digital identity verification, and how is it done?

We are increasingly making Internet transactions such as bank transfers, purchases or service contracts. For these transactions, the digital identity must be verified correctly to know that a person is the one who claims to be and to avoid identity thefts. That’s why there’s an increase among companies in using safer means of identification that give customers confidence while preventing fraud.

What is digital identity verification?

First, we must differentiate between identification and authentication. Identification means telling your name to another person, authentication, or verification of digital identity, which means proving that you are who you say you are.

Digital identity verification is a process that serves to verify that there is a real person behind the process and that that person is the one who claims to be. This prevents, for example, one person from using another person’s credit card without its authorization or someone from fraudulently contracting service on behalf of another person.

How can I perform the identity verification process?

The identification of a person can be made in several ways:

Face-to-face identification process. In this case, the person is physically at the company or bank. First, an employee of that company will check that the person’s ID is authentic and has not been forged and that the person in the photograph of the ID is the person who shows it. Next, a photocopy of the ID is made, a form is filled in, and the appropriate management is carried out.

Online identity verification process. In this case, reliable and safe procedures need to be used. Therefore, multiple methods of verifying the digital identity can be applied:

User and Password. On many websites, email services, or computer systems, you need to enter your user and password to log in. That is how you demonstrate that you are the one you say you are, and a double-factor verification is performed.

PIN. This is a way to identify yourself that banks usually use. To enter their website or app, you enter your ID number and the PIN to see your accounts.

Biometrics, In this case, the user takes a selfie, and the photograph is compared to that of the ID. Each person’s facial features are unique and allow them to be identified without errors. In addition to the face, you can use other person’s physical characteristics such as iris, fingerprint, voice or hand lines.

Phone or email address validation. A message is sent to the user (SMS or email) to verify that the number or address exists and matches the person requesting the service.

Geolocation. In this case, the user’s movements are checked, and it is verified that it is where it claims to be.

Social Media Analysis. A user’s social media survey can also be performed to determine their digital identity.

What are the benefits of digital verification of a person’s identity?

Digital verification of a person’s identity brings benefits to both individuals and individuals:

The company will be able to perform user registration processes quickly and easily.

The user experience is enhanced by avoiding travel and getting what you’ve contracted as soon as possible.

Fraud and identity thefts are avoided.

How to choose the best system for verifying digital identity?

As you have seen, there are several systems to verify your customers’ digital identity, but to choose correctly, you need to prove:

That is a secure method so that there are no errors or there is little chance of errors.

That the method is cheap so that it can be used in bulk.

The system is protected against cyberattacks.

The system is simple to use by the user who must verify his digital identity, that is, that he should not install anything on his mobile or computer and that it should be done quickly.

Integrate your system with a free API, so you don’t have to use multiple apps in your company or move data from one place to another.

You can complete the entire identity verification process anytime, anywhere, with an internet connection.

At Lleida.net, we know that verifying the digital identity of your potential customers is a critical process for your business since a  failure or fraud can affect the image of your organization and harm you and your customer. At the same time, you also need to adapt to innovation and empower your business to be digitally transformed. Digital identity verification is a step further to get ahead of your competitors and not lose market share.

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