Secret, the definite tool to protect your trade secrets

One of latest service is Secret This service arises from the desire to help companies to protect their trade secrets using digital-based services.

New Trade Secrets Law 1/2019, of February 20, is the one that gives us the regulatory framework. It transposes into Spanish law, Directive (EU) 2016/943.

The Trade Secrets Law defines trade secret as information, relating to any part of the business (including technological, scientific, industrial, commercial, organizational, or financial areas), which meets three requirements:

  • It must be secret
  • It must have commercial value
  • Reasonable steps must be adopted by its holder to keep it secret

The fact that the concept of trade secret is defined is one of the most relevant developments in the law, since in its first article is where the definition is located, and it is where all the protection measures are deployed in the course of the legal text. A further conclusion is that it exceeds the framework to which protection was available to date through the intellectual property system or the preservation of competition.

Therefore, once the company has determined the information that could be considered as trade secret the next step is to apply the protecting measures.

Here’s where Secret comes in

With Secret, the person concerned will inform through a web platform by Registered email to the people of the organization or outsiders who need to know the information considered as secret. The system is digital and ensures the application of technical information security measures guaranteed by management system. Within minutes, issues digital evidence of the communication with the technical detail that ensures traceability, and a watermark showing that the information exchanged is confidential and, therefore, classed as a business secret.

The company may apply other complementary measures such as ensuring the signing of generic confidentiality agreements either with employees or with external collaborators who may intervene in the process of creating or developing the product or service to be protected.

You can find further information about Secret here. Alternatively, please contact Customer Service through our website.

2 thoughts on “Secret, the definite tool to protect your trade secrets”

  1. Great article and solution Eva

    AM sure it will be a most useful tool for many businesses and individuals

    kind regards
    jack avondo


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