Trends in biometric identification

Trends in biometric identification

With the development and use of new technologies, different methods of fraud have also spread in the identification of individuals concerning their interaction with other companies or individuals. Security is a fundamental element for companies such as banks and telecommunications companies and customers, and biometric facial identification, among other trends, has become one of the leading methods. This post tells you what biometric identification is, the trends in biometric recognition and the most common applications of this technology.

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Vilar Riba renovates its registered communications

Grupo Vilar Riba is engaged in global consultancy services for tax, legal, consulting, auditing, and labour companies. It is based in Vic and has offices in Barcelona and Puigcerdà, it comprises more than 130 professionals with 30 years of experience in the sector.

The company has long been committed to providing the best possible solution to its customers’ needs. Besides, they were aware that important notifications represented a potential point to find a more effective response to what they had at that time. All these communications were sent by traditional burofax before using’s service.

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Smart contract what is

Smart contract: trends in digital contracting

The contracting process has been evolving significantly over the last few years; think about how you sign a contract to change your mobile phone company now and how you did it a few years ago. Many companies are still signing physical contracts, but others are turning to Smart Contracts and other digital contracting trends that dramatically change how business-to-business agreements are entered into. Here we tell you what a Smart Contract is, how it works, cases in which it can be used and other trends in digital contracting.

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validez de la firma electrónica

Questions and answers about esignatures

Switching from handwritten signatures to electronic signatures is key to boosting your company’s digital transformation, driving corporate social responsibility and standing out from your competitors. However, some questions may arise before using this tool. This post aims to answer the most common questions, such as what the electronic signature is for, what types there are, what requirements it must have to be valid, how the electronic signature works and where it is regulated, among other questions.

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