Identification, authentication and authorisation

Online access to products and services entails a process with different stages that may seem quite similar if carried out naturally and transparently, although they respond to very different needs:

  • Identification Once the company collects the characteristics that uniquely define the individual, it identifies the individual. My fingerprints and facial features help identify me, thus setting me apart from other people. Companies should know whom they are dealing with; they should identify their customers and ensure the best possible service.

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Postal Operators as critical infrastructure in their countries & how postal operators can become a main contributor to Sustainable Development Goals

Most Postal Operators have been operating since their respective countries’ inception; they were always a backbone of their governments, citizens, businesses, and overall country development and evolution. For decades, they have been providing one of the most critical services for their customers: communication.

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Te contamos en qué consiste la ley de secretos empresariales y cómo cuidarlos

Law on trade secrets: Understanding the law and how to keep your trade secrets safe

All companies deal with secret information every day, and its disclosure might do irreparable reputational or economic damage. Until 2019 there was no Trade Secrets Act in Spain. Still, it finally came into force in March 2019 due to the transposition of the European Directive on the protection of undisclosed know-how and business information against unlawful acquisition, use and disclosure. This post tells you more about what the Trade Secrets Act protects, to whom it applies, what effects the protection has, and what legal and technological steps companies can take to protect their secrets.

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