Erasmus Mundus programme for enterpreneurs

Erasmus is an European business exchange programme. It provides practical and financial assistance to newly established or would-be entrepreneurs wishing to spend some time abroad with a host entrepreneur. Thanks to the programme, new or would-be entrepreneurs acquire the relevant skills for managing a small or medium-sized enterprise, and experienced businessmen or women gain fresh …

Read more opens new office in Cape Town, SouthAfrica.

“Most African Cities have a fairly vibrant and well-structured mobile and  electronic infrastructure” Mr Giacomo Carlo Avondo Sirex Consortium Executive Chairman, explains. Mr-Giacomo-Carlo-Avondo opens new office in Cape Town (South Africa) and will implement the services and products in seven other African countries, Swaziland, Lesotho, Botswana, Namibia, and Democratic Republic of Congo. Our …

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Heartbleed has been patched

Don’t panic. Heartbleed, the bug, has been patched and our servers are not bleeding. Our IT department has been fighting against a catastrophic bug, known as Heartbleed. Heartbleed bug allows anyone on the Internet to read the memory of the systems protected by Open SLL Software, meaning that anything in memory — anything is vulnerable. …

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