confiança electrònica

Raiders of Online Trust

    EUROPEAN COMISSION Task force legislation Team (eIDAS) “Boosting online trust and convenience: the business view”. 23 Abril 2015. eTrust services: key tools for Digital Single marketETS or etrust services in terms of the new eIDAS regulation include electronic signatures, electronic seals, registered electronic delivery services or delivery services, time stamps and authentication certificates for …

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Conectaclic - Millor aplicació ordinadors personals

Connectaclick gets the Internet’s higher honour

We are very proud to announce our contracting platform Connectaclick has been awarded “The best app for PC” and we want to share it with you The prize awarded by the Association of Internet users, was picked it up by Sisco Sapena, CEO at a gala held yesterday in Madrid on the occasion of …

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DMARC leads to secure emails

We are easy pickings. Mail sent on your behalf through third-party providers mailing and certification services will appear as authenticated. Unfortunately spammers, email phishing, the dark side of the Internet, those disguised as your bank, and even as your government do the same. The need of finding a way to make the world safer for …

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Digital Europe Midsummer Night’s Dream, Act I, scene i

EUROPEAN COMISSION Task force legislation Team ( eIDAS) “ eID: emerging business cases”. 31 March  2015. Last March 31 we, along with the banking sector, were invited to a break out session to discuss, lay the foundations, to understand different positions and set the required and desired best practices in the challenging task of providing …

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