In the heyday of the pilgrimage pilgrims wore a prescribed – and spartan- outfit: a black wide-brimmed hat, coat, bag and sandals. The scallop shell is the emblem of the pilgrimage. You are able to tell a 2.0 pilgrim by the clothes: raincoats Gore text boots, ergonomic backpacks, GPS and smartphones. Don’t wait to add Stamphoto too.
Applications, services, inventions, etc., that were originally created thinking of a specific purpose but became famous for uses other than the initials ones abound. The latest and most popular is surely Facebook which started as a page for university pickups and has ended up being the social network with more users around the world, or Twitter, neither intended nor designed for high performance communication.
Prove you were there with Stamphoto
Why not use Stamphoto as a 2.0 way of proving you have made the journey? The credential is like a passport, you need to fill with stamps at key point en route proving you made the required 100 km on foot to get the stamp. However, these stamps do not provide date or GPS coordinates. They do not even come with a nice pic!.
So when in late September I finally made up my mind, after the Scottish West Highland Way, and walk the Primitive way, Stamphoto app was ready on my mobile. And every day, on my arrival at the hostel, I proved a record of my stay in a fast and secure way. Have a look at the certificates issued during the 12 stages of my pilgrimage.
Astoundingly, none is from Santiago de Compostela.
Maybe I didn’t arrive. Maybe I did.
San Juan de Villapañada · Castroverde · Ponte Ferreira · Rivadiso